Saturday, July 12, 2008

More Problems

I now have 160 miles on the scooter.

1. It is starting to squeak from the transmission/engine area when I am at a stop light.
2. Every time I start from a dead stop I am getting some pre-igniting from the engine.
3. The left break lever is starting to go a little soft.

I hope I can make my 500 mile service before I have to bring it in.


Todd Counter said...

Looking into buying a scoot soon and saw a deal on the same model Argo. If you had it to do over again would you still buy the Argo?

Blake said...

I just purchased a pair of the Argo 150-18 scooters. I love them so far. I only have about 60 miles on each. The only problems i've had were the fact that the seat does not lach down tightly on eaither and one really squeaks. I put some silicon on the front axel and bleed the brakes to fix this problem but I am still not sure about the seat. Does yours have this problem?


Argo Scooter Rider said...

If I had the chance to do it again. I would not buy this scooter. The quality is not good at all. I have had only problems with this scooter.